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Acqua precipitabil

De Wikipedia
Lumbard ucidental Quest articol chì l'è scrivuu in lombard, grafia milanesa.

L’acqua precipitabil a l’è l’altèzza de acqua ind ona colòna de atmosfera, se tutta l’acqua che gh’è in quèlla colòna lì la borlàss giò ‘me pieouva. A l’è misurada in millimeter o pòllez. L’è despèss scurtada con "TPW" ( da la lengua inglesa total precipitable water.)

Misura[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

A gh’è divèrsi tipi de tècnich de misura:

Acqua precipitabil e temporaj[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

I valor de acqua precipitabil in deperlor hinn nò util in del prevedè i temporaj, ma gh’hànn de vèss vedù insema cont el indes K e l’indes de sollevament. Tuttmanch di valor pussée piccol de 20 mm hinn nò assèe per el svilupp di temporaj. .[5]

Ligamm de foeura[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

Riferiment[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

  1. Bevis, M. (1992). "GPS Meteorology: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using the Global Positioning System". Journal of Geophysical Research 97 (D14): 15787–15801. DOI:10.1029/92JD01517. 
  2. Liu, Timothy (27 February 1986). "Statistical Relation between Mean Precipitable Water and Surface-Level Humidity over Global Oceans". Monthly Weather Review 114 (8): 1591–1602. DOI:<1591:srbmmp>2.0.co;2 10.1175/1520-0493(1986)114<1591:srbmmp>2.0.co;2. 
  3. Hsu, S.A. (15 October 1989). "The Relationship Between Total Precipitable Water and Surface-Level Humidity Over the Sea Surface: A Further Evaluation". Journal of Geophysical Research 94 (C10): 14539–14545. DOI:10.1029/JC094iC10p14539. 
  4. Guangxiong, Peng (17 July 2006). "High-resolution Surface Relative Humidity Computation Using MODIS Image in Peninsular Malaysia". Chinese Geographical Science 16 (3): 260–264. DOI:10.1007/s11769-006-0260-6. Retrieved on 22 January 2014. 
  5. Gabriele Formentini (2009). Temporali e e Tornado (in italian). Alpha Test, 131. ISBN 978-88-483-0992-9.