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La partisela Tau (o tauun) l'è una partisela elementara cun carica negativa e una masa de 1,777 MeV. A lee l'è asuciada un'antipartisela e un neütrin. El tauun l'è clasificaa intra i leptun, l'è una partisela de tersa generasiun e la decad a la svelta per vegnì una partisela stabil. Per la cunservasiun del nümer leptonich, un neütrin tauonich el vegn creaa quand un tauun el decad per vegnì un leptun püsee leger (muun o eletrun). Anca se'l gh'ha una masa püsee granda e l'è minga stabil, el tauun l'è cumpagn al'eletrun.

Lombard Occidental

Quel articul chì l'è scrivüü in Lumbard, cun l'urtugrafia insübrica ünificada.

La spetruscupia XAS (X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy) la stüdia cume'l va el cueficient de surbiment d'una sustansa in funsiun del energia de la radiasiun X, prima de la söja de surbiment futueletric fina a 1000 eV dopu la söja.
Vist che gh'emm de cambia l'energia de la radiasiun e che el signal che'l vegn föra del campiun l'è de solet 1/1000 del segnal tutal, se dupra una surgent de ragg X cun brilansa granda per una larga banda d'energia: una lüs de sincrutrun. Quest l'è propi un prublema perchè se poden fa i speriment dumà in dii laboratori dii sincrutrun.

Lombard Occidental

Quel articul chì l'è scrivüü in Lumbard, cun l'urtugrafia insübrica ünificada.

El bidofun (in ingles washtub bass), ciamaa anca liron o tulòn, l'è un istrüment müsegal de la fameja dij curdofun piśigaa. El strument l'è cumpagn cume timber del viuluncell e del viurun.
El pö vess grant anca püśee de düü meter e'l pö vess sunaa 'me vus percüśiva e 'me vus melodica.
Per fà sü un bidofun ghe vören:

La costruzione è relativamente semplice, basta forare il fondo del bidone nel centro, bloccare i due bulloni uno da una parte ed uno dall'altra del fondo con le rondelle inserite in modo che il bidone non si rovini, fissare la corda all'occhiello da una parte e dall'altra al capo del manico di scopa. Si incide poi una tacca nel manico della scopa in modo che sia semplice appoggiarla al bordo del bidone. Ora si pone il problema di fare uscire le onde sonore dallo strumento. Tra le soluzioni migliori del legno sagomato in maniera da tenere il bidone lievemente inclinato e discosto da terra.

Lombard Occidental

Quel articul chì l'è scrivüü in Lumbard, cun l'urtugrafia insübrica ünificada.

El premi Nobel l'è un premi per i gent che hann faa ricerch, invensiun e istrüment rivulünar, e che hann daa cuntribüü impurtant a la sucietà. A l'è cunsiderà el premi püsee impurtant in del munt d'incö.
El premi el fa part dij ültim vuluntà del Alfred Nobel, un indüstrial svedes e l'inventur de la dinamitt.

Map of countries by 2007 GDP (nominal) per capita (IMF, April 2008).

This article includes three lists of countries of the world sorted by their gross domestic product per capita at nominal values, the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year, converted at market exchange rates to current U.S. dollars, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year.

The figures presented here do not take into account differences in the cost of living in different countries, and the results can vary greatly from one year to another based on fluctuations in the exchange rates of the country's currency. Such fluctuations may change a country's ranking from one year to the next, even though they often make little or no difference to the standard of living of its population. Therefore these figures should be used with caution.

Comparisons of national wealth are also frequently made on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP), to adjust for differences in the cost of living in different countries. (See List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.) PPP largely removes the exchange rate problem, but has its own drawbacks. It does not reflect the value of economic output in international trade, and it also requires more estimation than GDP per capita. On the whole PPP per capita figures are more narrowly spread than GDP per capita figures.

Great care should be taken when using either set of figures to compare the wealth of two countries. Often people who wish to promote or denigrate a country will use the figure that suits their case best and ignore the other one, which may be substantially different, but a valid comparison of two economies should take both rankings into account, as well as utilising other economic data to put an economy in context.

Several economies which are not considered to be countries (world, EU, and some dependent territories) are included in the list because they appear in the sources. These economies are not ranked in the charts here, but are listed in sequence by GDP for comparison.

All data are in United States dollars. Non-sovereign entities or other special groupings are marked in italics.

Note: To sort the table in descending order, click twice on the square above the column you wish to sort by.

Country Rank IMF[1] Rank WB[2] Rank CIA[3]
Bandera de Afghanistan Afghanistan 168 323 174 277
Bandera de Albania Albania 96 3,354 87 3,323 102 2,950
Bandera de Algeria Algeria 87 3,825 75 3,996 89 3,945
Modell:Country data Angola 88 3,757 84 3,440 79 5,003
Modell:Country data Antigua and Barbuda 45 13,092 36 12,071 47 13,054
Bandera de Argentina Argentina 66 6,606 56 6,641 68 6,492
Bandera de Armenia Armenia 108 2,297 90 3,058 105 2,683
Bandera de Australia Australia 15 43,312 17 39,098 16 43,798
Bandera de Austria Austria 13 45,181 11 45,343 14 45,599
Modell:Country data Azerbaijan 91 3,663 83 3,646 92 3,857
Modell:Country data Bahrain 29 25,731 29 27,746
Modell:Country data Bangladesh 157 455 151 427 160 481
Modell:Country data Barbados 44 13,605 46 13,309
Bandera de Belarus Belarus 78 4,641 69 4,615 81 4,604
Bandera de Belgi Belgium 17 42,557 13 42,213 17 43,648
Modell:Country data Belize 84 4,098 72 4,191 84 4,324
Modell:Country data Benin 145 692 145 601 149 656
Modell:Country data Bhutan 112 2,012 112 1,668 116 1,943
Modell:Country data Bolivia 123 1,342 117 1,378 125 1,446
Modell:Country data Bosnia and Herzegovina 90 3,712 80 3,733 99 3,247
Modell:Country data Botswana 59 7,888 57 6,263 64 6,780
Bandera de Brasil Brazil 64 6,938 53 6,859 65 6,776
Modell:Country data Brunei 24 32,167 26 33,077
Bandera de Bülgaria Bulgaria 77 5,186 65 5,175 75 5,409
Bandera de Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 155 508 150 458 161 472
Modell:Country data Burundi 178 128 170 115 184 119
Modell:Country data Cambodia 152 600 146 597 156 615
Modell:Country data Cameroon 128 1,095 121 1,114 131 1,143
Bandera de Canada Canada 14 43,485 15 40,222 18 43,478
Modell:Country data Cape Verde 100 2,891 94 2,706 98 3,365
Modell:Country data Central African Republic 162 402 153 394 165 392
Modell:Country data Chad 142 747 142 658 147 718
Bandera de Chile Chile 51 9,879 42 9,877 53 10,047
Bandera de Culumbia Colombia 93 3,611 81 3,729 91 3,867
Modell:Country data Comoros 146 691 139 717 153 621
Bandera de Costa Rica Costa Rica 69 5,905 63 5,653 69 6,342
Modell:Country data Côte d'Ivoire 129 1,045 123 1,016 134 993
Bandera de Cruazia Croatia 48 11,576 38 11,554 50 11,430
Bandera de Cuba Cuba 88 3,958
Modell:Country data Cyprus 28 27,327 24 27,036 30 27,015
Bandera de Repüblica Ceca Czech Republic 36 17,070 30 16,271 39 17,138
Modell:Country data Democratic Republic of the Congo 177 166 169 144 182 157
Bandera de Danimarca Denmark 7 57,261 5 56,427 7 57,040
Modell:Country data Djibouti 127 1,099 126 996 120 1,694
Modell:Country data Dominica 80 4,333 71 4,493 85 4,297
Modell:Country data Dominican Republic 83 4,147 79 3,762 90 3,886
Bandera de Ecuador Ecuador 97 3,218 88 3,312 100 3,212
Bandera de Egypt Egypt 117 1,739 111 1,697 123 1,592
Modell:Country data El Salvador 101 2,857 92 2,950 103 2,932
Modell:Country data Equatorial Guinea[4] 55 8,702 29 19,533 38 17,490
Modell:Country data Eritrea 171 281 165 248 178 246
Bandera de Estonia Estonia 39 15,851 31 15,856 41 16,171
Bandera de Eswatini Eswatini 104 2,523 97 2,569 108 2,591
Modell:Country data Ethiopia 173 252 166 245 179 243
Modell:Country data Fiji 85 3,921 73 4,097 76 5,408
Bandera de Finland Finland 9 46,602 8 46,515 10 46,769
Bandera de France France 18 41,511 14 41,523 20 42,053
Bandera de Gabon Gabon 60 7,887 50 8,011 60 7,759
Bandera de Georgia (country) Georgia 107 2,355 103 2,315 110 2,215
Bandera de Germania Germany 19 40,415 16 40,079 21 40,315
Modell:Country data Ghana 148 676 143 650 150 648
Bandera de Grecia Greece 27 28,273 21 32,166 28 29,385
Modell:Country data Grenada 73 5,571 66 5,130 67 6,555
Modell:Country data Guatemala 103 2,532 98 2,505 106 2,647
Bandera de Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 175 206 167 211 180 233
Modell:Country data Guinea 156 473 149 487 159 493
Modell:Country data Guyana 122 1,365 116 1,413 127 1,351
Modell:Country data Haiti 151 630 144 638 152 624
Modell:Country data Honduras 118 1,635 110 1,732 121 1,641
Modell:Country data Hong Kong 29,650 29,845 29,611
Bandera de Üngheria Hungary 43 13,762 35 13,741 42 13,901
Modell:Country data Iceland 4 63,830 3 62,733 5 66,240
Bandera de India India 131 978 122 1,042 137 973
Modell:Country data Indonesia 115 1,925 108 1,918 119 1,845
Modell:Country data Iran 82 4,149 78 3,815 82 4,497
Modell:Country data Iraq 113 2,016
Bandera de Irlanda Ireland 5 59,924 4 58,399 6 62,934
Bandera de Israel Israel 31 22,475 25 22,563 31 23,161
Bandera de Italia Italy 20 35,872 18 35,494 22 36,201
Modell:Country data Jamaica 81 4,172 74 4,012 87 4,029
Bandera de Giapun Japan 22 34,312 20 34,254 25 34,402
Modell:Country data Jordan 102 2,795 93 2,768 107 2,645
Modell:Country data Kazakhstan 65 6,868 55 6,708 63 6,791
Bandera de Kenya Kenya 139 845 137 786 144 794
Modell:Country data Kiribati 147 686 132 853 154 621
Modell:Country data Kuwait 23 33,634 15 44,421
Modell:Country data Kyrgyzstan 143 713 141 669 148 709
Modell:Country data Laos 150 656 140 684 155 618
Bandera de Lituania Latvia 46 11,985 37 11,931 49 12,098
Modell:Country data Lebanon 67 6,569 60 5,858 70 6,277
Modell:Country data Lesotho 149 665 136 798 145 753
Modell:Country data Liberia 176 195 168 193 181 228
Modell:Country data Libya 53 9,372 43 9,476 54 9,452
Modell:Country data Liechtenstein 1 106,082[5]
Bandera de Lithuania Lithuania 49 11,354 39 11,353 52 10,726
Bandera de Lussemburg Luxembourg 1 104,673 1 99,879 2 104,452
Bandera de Madagascar Madagascar 159 431 156 372 167 376
Modell:Country data Malawi 172 264 164 255 177 260
Modell:Country data Malaysia 63 6,948 54 6,807 61 7,509
Modell:Country data Maldives 99 3,040 85 3,439 104 2,874
Modell:Country data Mali 154 517 147 556 157 562
Bandera de Malta Malta 35 18,088 37 18,461
Modell:Country data Marshall Islands 100 2,433
Modell:Country data Mauritania 134 931 133 847 141 843
Bandera de Mauritius Mauritius 74 5,520 67 5,038 74 5,506
Bandera de Mexico Mexico 58 8,479 47 8,486 59 8,219
Modell:Country data Micronesia 102 2,315
Bandera de Moldova Moldova 124 1,248 119 1,159 135 976
Modell:Country data Mongolia 121 1,486 115 1,491 128 1,323
Bandera de Montenegro Montenegro 58 5,928 83 4,343
Bandera de Maroch Morocco 106 2,389 101 2,374 111 2,171
Bandera de Mozambique Mozambique 165 369 159 363 169 362
Modell:Country data Myanmar 174 235 173 286
Bandera de Namibia Namibia 94 3,584 89 3,250 96 3,577
Modell:Country data Nepal 163 400 158 363 171 333
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 10 46,261 9 46,041 11 46,389
Modell:Country data New Zealand 26 30,256 23 30,599 27 30,999
Modell:Country data Nicaragua 133 945 124 1,013 133 1,008
Modell:Country data Niger 169 313 162 294 172 324
Bandera de Nigeria Nigeria 126 1,159 120 1,120 130 1,164
Bandera de Norway Norway 2 83,922 2 81,111 3 84,595
Modell:Country data Oman 40 15,584 48 12,492
Bandera de Pakistan Pakistan 137 909 131 884 140 849
Modell:Country data Palau 49 8,200
Bandera de Panama Panama 70 5,904 59 5,908 71 6,058
Modell:Country data Papua New Guinea 130 991 127 990 132 1,034
Bandera de Paraguay Paraguay 116 1,802 107 1,961 122 1,630
Modell:Country data People's Republic of China 105 2,461 99 2,485 109 2,459
Bandera de Perù Peru 86 3,886 76 3,910 93 3,787
Bandera de Philippines Philippines 119 1,625 113 1,640 124 1,530
Bandera de Pulònia Poland 47 11,693 40 11,043 51 10,912
Bandera de Portugal Portugal 32 21,019 27 20,762 34 20,981
Modell:Country data Qatar 3 72,849 4 83,152
Modell:Country data Republic of China (Taiwan) 37 16,606 40 16,768
Modell:Country data Republic of Macedonia 92 3,659 82 3,726 95 3,647
Modell:Country data Republic of the Congo 109 2,159 105 2,030 114 2,015
Bandera de Rumania Romania 61 7,697 51 7,703 62 7,452
Bandera de Russia Russia 54 9,075 44 9,115 56 9,096
Modell:Country data Rwanda 167 353 161 341 170 335
Modell:Country data Saint Kitts and Nevis 50 10,143 41 10,755 45 13,323
Modell:Country data Saint Lucia 71 5,689 62 5,702 72 6,030
Modell:Country data Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75 5,229 70 4,608 80 4,731
Modell:Country data Samoa 111 2,101 96 2,578 118 1,853
Modell:Country data São Tomé and Príncipe 138 881 129 918 146 721
Modell:Country data Saudi Arabia 41 15,481 32 15,775 44 13,630
Bandera de Senegal Senegal 136 910 130 898 139 888
Bandera de Serbia Serbia 72 5,596 64 5,630 86 4,106
Modell:Country data Seychelles 57 8,581 46 8,565 58 8,670
Modell:Country data Sierra Leone 170 290 163 286 175 270
Modell:Country data Singapore 21 35,163 19 35,160 24 35,427
Bandera de Sluachia Slovakia 42 13,857 34 13,887 43 13,766
Bandera de Sluenia Slovenia 30 22,933 26 22,523 32 22,934
Modell:Country data Solomon Islands 144 704 138 745 151 631
Modell:Country data Somalia 176 267
Bandera de Südafrica South Africa 68 5,906 61 5,833 73 5,843
Modell:Country data South Korea 34 19,751 28 19,983 35 19,836
Bandera de Spain Spain 25 32,067 22 31,846 23 35,576
Bandera de Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 120 1,506 114 1,622 126 1,434
Modell:Country data Sudan 125 1,242 118 1,235 129 1,262
Modell:Country data Suriname 79 4,577 68 4,893 78 5,106
Bandera de Sweden Sweden 8 49,655 7 48,584 9 50,415
Bandera de Switzerland Switzerland 6 58,084 6 55,035 8 56,111
Modell:Country data Syria 114 1,946 109 1,914 115 1,955
Modell:Country data Tajikistan 153 578 148 551 158 525
Modell:Country data Tanzania 160 415 152 400 164 411
Bandera de Thailandia Thailand 89 3,737 77 3,851 94 3,776
Modell:Country data The Bahamas 33 19,781 33 21,547
Modell:Country data The Gambia 161 411 155 377 166 387
Modell:Country data Timor-Leste 158 440 157 371 163 423
Modell:Country data Togo 164 387 154 379 162 438
Modell:Country data Tonga 110 2,138 104 2,287 117 1,873
Modell:Country data Trinidad and Tobago 38 15,905 33 14,990 36 19,591
Bandera de Tünisia Tunisia 95 3,398 86 3,417 97 3,405
Bandera de Türchia Turkey 52 9,629 45 8,893 55 9,323
Modell:Country data Turkmenistan 76 5,189 95 2,606 77 5,280
Modell:Country data Uganda 166 363 160 363 168 371
Bandera de Ücraina Ukraine 98 3,046 91 3,029 101 3,035
Modell:Country data United Arab Emirates 16 42,934 19 43,339
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 12 45,575 12 44,693 13 45,626
Flag of the United States United States 11 45,845 10 45,790 12 45,959
Bandera de Uruguay Uruguay 62 7,172 52 6,956 66 6,632
Bandera de Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 141 815 135 830 142 824
Bandera de Vanuatu Vanuatu 113 1,989 106 2,000 112 2,143
Modell:Country data Venezuela 56 8,596 48 8,303 57 9,084
Bandera de Vietnam Vietnam 140 818 134 836 143 821
Modell:Country data West Bank and Gaza 1,036
Bandera de Yemen Yemen 132 972 125 1,006 136 974
Modell:Country data Zambia 135 918 128 953 138 972
Modell:Country data Zimbabwe 179 55 183 151
Modell:Country data World 8,219 8,241

See also[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

References[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]

  1. Data refer to the year 2007. World Economic Outlook Database-April 2008, International Monetary Fund.
  2. Data refer to the year 2007. Total GDP 2007 & Population 2007, World Development Indicators database, World Bank, July 1 2008. Note: Per capita values were obtained by dividing the Total GDP data by the Population data.
  3. Data refer to the year 2007. GDP (official exchange rate), The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency. GDP data last updated on June 19 2008; Total Midyear Population-2007, U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base, accessed on July 12 2008. Note: Per capita values were obtained by dividing the GDP (official exchange rate) data by the Population data.
  4. The IMF is using a 2007 population estimate based on a 2001 census whose validity has been called into question. A 2003 U.S State Department report on Equatorial Guinea stated that "although the 2002 (sic) census estimated the population at 1,015,000, credible estimates put the number at closer to 500,000. The opposition claimed that the Government inflated the census in anticipation of the December presidential election. (...) Opposition leaders charged earlier in the year that census results showing a twofold population increase were flawed and that numbers were inflated to perpetuate election fraud." [1]
  5. The value from the original source has been changed, due to the CIA World Factbook reporting a GDP for Liechtenstein of $36.33 billion, resulting in a GDP per capita of $1,060,823, which is not in line with data from either the US State Department nor the government of Liechtenstein. A Liechtenstein government website called Landesverwaltung Liechtenstein reports that the provisional GDP for 2005 was CHF4.5553 billion and the mid-year population for 2005 was 34,734, giving a GDP per capita of CHF131,148. Using the average exchange rate of the Swiss franc to the US dollar in 2005, as given by the CIA, this results in a GDP of US$3.658 billion and GDP per capita of US$105,323. The United States Department of State reports a Liechtenstein GDP for 2004 of CHF4.28 billion on its country profile article dated April 2008.

Modell:Lists of countries Modell:Global economic classifications